Arlington Town Day is coming up – join the amazing fun, learn a ton about what’s up in Arlington, and help out. Walking In Arlington will have a table, and we’d very much appreciate your help. Town Day 2016 will be held on Saturday, September 17th in Arlington Center. Walking In Arlington needs your help […]
Town Day is September 13th – Call for volunteers.
Arlington Town Day approaches. See you up and down Mass Ave in Arlington Center on September 13th from 10am to 3pm. Walk on over and join the party. Our table is usually near the library. The Avenue will be packed with community groups, local businesses, Town committees, and every sort of organization. It is an […]
Walking In Arlington Feast of the East 2014 report and plans for Town Day 2014
Feast of the East 2014 was fantastic. Walking In Arlington talked with scores of people, and added many names to our email list. We now number over 460 people who care about walking and walking safety. Town Day is coming; Saturday September 13th. Mark your calendars to enjoy the center of town filled with local […]
Walking In Arlington survey: Shop on foot and walk on the bike path – What’s your experience? – send back by October 2nd
The Walking In Arlington table at Town Day 2012 was a big success. We talked with many, many people interested in walking, and in improving the pedestrian environment. We have gotten 70 replies so far to our survey on shopping on foot in Arlington and walking on the bike path. The survey is now closed; […]
Walking in Arlington at Town Day 2011
We were there!